03 October 2010

Birthdays & Peter Pan.

Waking up to the beautiful St. John's breeze for the second day, it took me a while to realize I was awake. I scurried off the top bunk to check the time on my phone. But, no worries, it was 8:15. At home, it was 6:45. Yes, I am now in the only time zone in the world that operates on a half-hour time change. The women in my room wake up early, but I never hear them.

This morning, I'm about to go to church with my new Nigerian friend -- who is hysterical. We stayed up laughing with another guy last night. He was from the Caribbean. He says that compared to where he is from, these hills in St. John's are nothing. I find that hard to believe. Remind me to try and find a hill in Holliday to start climbing.

I'm sitting in the hostel lounge waiting for the next bus ride over to the church. It will be my first pentecostal service, so I'm quite excited.

My birthday was quite nice, for those of you wondering. I spend all day going to the park, walking around the park, and coming back from the park. Peter Pan was there, so he was my company. It was lovely to see dozens of kids crawl all over him!

I'm off now. Good morning!

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