20 September 2010

Little Rock is gorgeous.

After a relaxing drive through Moore and Shawnee, I arrived in Little Rock around 11.30 last night. Along the way, I was privileged to have a grande latte with my friend Ashley Reagan. Then she took me to see where she works and where she now lives. It was a great time.

In Shawnee, Heath Williams met me with the first Beatles CD I've ever owned, plus a couple other mixes filled with fantastic-ness. Then my brother Gunnar let me come to his apartment for a few minutes where I was loaded up with a couple other mixes including, but not limited to, Ben Rector (oh yeah!) and Parachute. So a special shout-out goes to my boys. Thanks for the Peter Pan Trip mixes!

By the way, the Beatles have an odd way of growing on you song by song.

Also by the way, I have the best brother in the world.

Today, I got the spend the entire morning, afternoon, and evening with Becky James, my old roommate. There are so many things I want to put here on this little section of my trip! We went to the River Market in downtown Little Rock, ate at a brilliant Bohemian restaurant called "Sticky Fingers", smiled at a hobo, saw Becky's BEAUTIFUL wedding dress and her PERFECT wedding venue, then got a little rebellious and did something you should ask me about later (it's a good story, don't be scared), went to her log cabin deep in the woods, visited the grave of Petit Jean (also a good story, unrelated to our impulsive rebellion), then hiked downhill to a breath-taking wooded waterfall canyon and uphill on the breath-taking (literally) climb back. In between we went on a natural roller-coaster ride and came back to her canyon to watch "Antique Roadshow" with her dad who is apparently a mix between James Bond and John Wayne. This is where I sit now.

Tomorrow, it's coffee with Aaron and an afternoon/evening with my cousin Grant. Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Smiling at a hobo. Nice! And yes, you do have the best brother, because I have the best son and daughter.
